
How to effectively learn English through movies or series.

How to effectively learn English through movies or series.

The best way to learn English is to surround yourself with people who speak English. Of course, these things cannot be done by everyone. But there is one thing that can create these environments and that is viewing. “Movie or series” in English every day. If you can do it all the time, even better. Because we will be familiar with the English accent. It will definitely make studying easier. Now let's take a look at how learning English through movies or series can be done.

Techniques for watching movies to learn English that can be used in practice

Type 1: Watch - Listen - Practice speaking - Practice remembering.
• Watch for the first time. Choose to watch a story you like or a story you've seen for a long time with English subtitles on.
• Watch a second time, practice pronouncing the actors' accents by pressing pause. (Emphasis on listening then speaking rather than reading the subtitles and speaking) at the same time, write down the words you don't know. arranged in a dictionary style Can turn on English subtitles.
• Take the vocabulary that has been written down in a dictionary and memorize it all. Focus on whether you have finished watching 1 story or 1 episode and then start memorizing the vocabulary so that the vocabulary you do not know does not have to be memorized too tightly.
Highlights: Will be able to practice English in many areas.

Type 2: viewing only
• Watch for the first time. Choose to watch a story you like or a story you have watched for a long time. Turn off all the subtitles. Focus on listening and turn off all the subtitles.
• Watch for the second time. Choose a story you like or a story you've seen for a long time and turn on the English subtitles to see how much you understand.
• Watch a third time in case you watched the first and second times and didn't understand at all. It is recommended to turn on Thai subtitles for the last time watching. To recheck your own understanding for sure. will be used for development
Highlights: Will be able to increase listening skills and understand meanings better.

Type 3: Watching - Listening - Picture in your head.
• Choose to watch stories you like or stories you have watched for a long time and turn on all Thai subtitles. Focus on understanding the matter as much as possible.
• When doing other activities where you cannot watch movies, such as during traffic jams or driving. or taking a shower Find a movie you just watched and turn on just the sound. If the light feels too fast and you can't understand it, turn it on slowly.
• Then imagine the character's facial expression. Who said what sentence? And within the sentence, what does the movie want to convey? What behavior does the character have? This will help with visual memory. Improves long-term memory.
Highlights: Change from rote memorization. It's a visual memory.

Choose Learn English through movies or series
As for the techniques that I would like to recommend for you to try and adapt, there are a total of 3 that everyone can choose according to their aptitude. Or you can choose according to your convenience in terms of time to practice as well. However, when studying movies or series, it is recommended to start with something simple, such as movies about daily life first or choose something you have already seen. Then gradually Move to more complex skins. Or more difficult words can be used according to the convenience of each person.
