
How to find goals in learning English

How to find English study goals to improve your studies

I believe that many people who study English already have a desired destination. But there are some people who are still looking. The goal of learning English is not achieved, or the goal that you yourself have set is not strong. no driving force Therefore unable to study English as expected. In this article, we will introduce a method for finding goals that can be seen in concrete form. or set a clear finish line In order to reach the set goals more easily But what methods are there? Let's see.


A collection of great ways to find goals for learning English. You can choose as you like.
1. Learn English in order to work abroad.

The goal that many people have set is to work abroad. Setting this goal is a good goal because being English-speaking to go abroad is not just for work. It also means that you want to live abroad. This is considered a goal for studying English. That can create motivation to study or work very well.

2. Learn English to increase your salary.

If this is the goal of most working people, they want to acquire English in order to increase their salary in their daily lives and those of their families. And learning English allows you to advance further in your career. Promote positions more quickly and may receive many opportunities compared to non-English speakers. Therefore, studying for this goal can be considered a good thing as well.

3. Study English for the exam.

Another thing that is often seen about English learning goals That is the exam. The examination here refers to examinations in every country starting from examinations during school age. Tests to measure language level and many more, which simply put, are the passport to reaching your dreams. Suppose you want to enter the Faculty of Law at Chula, it is necessary to take the CU-Tep exam that is considered a pass. before

4. Learn English to receive information from around the world.

If anyone uses Google often to find answers to things they want to know in Thai. It is often found that Thai language articles cannot provide answers. Therefore, using English will make it easier to access information sources or things you want to know. and can be accessed all over the world Especially in English, it must be said that there are many insights that we can put to good use.

5. Learn English to watch movies, play games, listen to music.

English learning goals It doesn't always have to be big. Because sometimes we often want to get entertainment from watching movies, playing games, and listening to music. But when I can't translate it I can't understand. It can make the fun drop. Therefore, learning English in order to make these things more fun. It is considered an excellent level of motivation. Because it really came out of our needs, 100%.


Setting goals for learning English is important.

No matter what you do, setting goals is important. Especially setting goals for learning English. The clearer the goal, the more it can be accomplished. However, learning English requires a lot of physical and mental strength and discipline. and must have time to study regularly Because if these things are missing Even if it's successful But in the end, when time passed We may forget the English language that we have studied. So I want everyone to change their mindset after achieving their goals to become something “fun” or a “daily routine” that needs to be done instead.
